Grandpa & Granddaughter

I was in San Diego Art Museum in Balboa Park.


552. Grandpa & Granddaughter Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

The gentleman was talking, asking about these paintings in the room with a girl. He sounds like an art history teacher or some.


This scene recalled my good memories with my Grandpa.


I just found the philosophy of Masanobu Fukuoka: One Straw Revolution:

And I watched six episode of this series.: 耕さない田んぼが環境をかえる(without plowing rice fields change environment.)


In this series, their way of agriculture is based on Masanobu Fukuoka’s philosophy. Fukuoka wrote “One Straw Revolution”

No plowing, no fertilizer, puling weeds without machine or chemical.

In Japan they changed the way of Agriculture, so no creature in a rice field any more.

The result of the without plowing rice field bring back a lot of creatures to live in rice fields, so birds could come back.

The Biwa Lake is polluted by all kind of stuff. One of them is from rice field, which they use so much chemicals. You can see mucky water comes in to the lake from rice fields. But scientist discovered the rice field which no plowing, no fertilizer, no puling weeds by machine or chemical, growing creatures, which cleansing water.

I was watching this series I felt so warm inside of me.

So I want to share with you.

In the video Nobuo Iwasawa who is the leader/agriculture engineer told, “I can’t live so long. So I try to find ways to recover the earth for our grandchildren.”

Thank you for reading my blog,

Have a beautiful day,





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