Spring Over the Hill

I was in Mendocino Coast in early this month. There are many wild flowers were blooming. The ground was covered with fresh green still. What a beautiful season.

I love this peaceful scene and with this could make me dance.

577, Spring Over the Hill watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

577, Spring Over the Hill watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


I want to keep this peace and happiness forever.


I’m very concerned and alerted by hearing of changing Article 9 of Japanese Constitution.


From the book

 “Japanese Text and English Translation of the Constitution of Japan”

by Kentaro Sato


We, the Japanese people,

acting through our duly elected representatives

in the National Diet,

determined that we shall secure

 for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation

with all nations

and the blessings of liberty throughout this lands,

and resolved that never again shall we be visited

with the horrors of war

through the action of government,

do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people

and do firmly establish this Constitution.

Government is

a sacred trust of the people,

the authority for which is derived from the people,

the powers of which are exercised

by the representatives of the people,

and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people.

This is a universal principle of mankind

upon which this Constitution is founded.

We reject and revoke

all constitutions, laws, ordinances and rescripts

in conflict herewith.

We, the Japanese people,

desire peace for all time

and are deeply conscious of the high ideals

controlling human relationship,

and we determined

to preserve our security and existence,

trusting in the justice and faith

of the peace-loving peoples of the world.

We desire to occupy and honored place

in an international society striving for the preservation of peace,

and the banishment

of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance

for all time from the earth.

We recognize

that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace,

free from fear and want.

We believe

that no nation is responsible to itself alone,

 but that laws of political morality are universal:

and that obedience to such laws

is incumbent upon all nations

who would sustain their own sovereignty

and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations.

We, the Japanese people,

pledge our national honor

to accomplish these high ideals and purposes

 with all our resources.


It’s beautiful, isn’t it?


And I love the idea of change.org campaign to get vote for:

Constitution is the Constitution of international pacifism that defines the renunciation of war thorough Article 9 in particular begins preamble. The Constitution of Japan, (renunciation of war) Respect for national sovereignty of basic human rights (sovereignty of the people), pacifism is a characteristic. In particular it has important work to put the brakes to prevent war. And, not only in Japan, the presence of Article 9 of the Constitution, is the hope of world peace achieved. But now, this Constitution has been exposed to the crisis of constitutional amendment. Please try to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, which has established this precious waiver of war, have desire for world peace. If you cannot award only individuals and groups, please be awarded to the Japanese people that have held until now Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. Thank you.


I hope that it is achieved or we achieve it.


Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog.




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