Wildflowers on the Coast

I’m going to demonstrate this painting step by step in next workshop on Sept. 7 & 8 at Mendocino Art Center: http://www.mendocinoartcenter.org/Fall13/Irie.html

613. blog 1

613. Wildflower on the coast stage1 Watercolor by Mariko Irie

613. blog 2

613. Wildflowers on the Coast Stage 2 Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

613. blog 3

613. Wildflowers on the Coast Stage 3 Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

613. blog 5

613. Wildflowers on the Coast Stage 5 Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

613. blog 8

613. Wildflowers on the Coast stage 8 Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


613.Wildflowers on the Coast Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

You will learn watercolor nature better and easier through this process of using Masking fluid.

And I’m happy to assist you for your painting.

I painted these pictures using masking fluid as well.


585. Ukiah Street Watercolor Painting by Mariko Irie

Road in Autumn

546. Road in Autumn Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


249. Mendocino Headlands in Fall Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


182. By Van Damm Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

If you are relax and happy mood, and then let watercolor paint, watercolor magic happens.

Let’s have a fun. Splashing watercolor.

In Japan, they say autumn is a season for Art.

Especially watercolor you can paint in a nice room. No mess, no toxic fume. So it’s good for winter project as well. Painting adds your life more colorful and happy.

I still have some seats for this workshop. If you don’t sign up yet, please do so. Time goes by so quickly, don’t you think?

Beginners are welcome as well.

I hope to see you in my workshop.

Happy painting!

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