1069. A Peaceful Rural Day

How are you?

At first I felt a shock  from “ordered residents to Shelter-in-Place” on March 17.

At that time, in Sonoma County there were only three COVID-19 cases.

I went to grocery shopping when the Trader Joe’s opens in the morning.

The News mentioned “First in the morning is the cleanest inside of the market.” 

There was a long waiting line to get inside of the store. They limited 10 customers a time.

But I finished shopping, the waiting line outside was shrank to only three people.

I told myself, “Next time I come to shopping one hour after they open”.

All facilities are closed, so we can’t play ping pong. 

We did cycling. Much less cars on roads 🙂

We saw many people enjoying cycling, hiking, walking with family and friends. 

It was a beautiful scenery.

I have heard “ We have to ready for the upheaval.”

I believe this is the time.

Isolate from everything means by proceeding without being disturbed by the noise and negative voices around us and listen to and follow our inner voice while maintaining a positive outlook for the future, we will naturally be able to solve our problems and live freely.

This change will require more effort, but we understand the benefits of this change and can take action on our own.

If we strive to balance material hope with the connection with our inner voice , we can proceed without hesitation.

And we are urging ourselves to be positive and optimistic.

Follower our inner voices we hear when we are positive, as they will be communicated through our intuition and ideas.

Be close to the changes that are so important to our life that we are approaching.

If we have our own beliefs, we will not lose our way.

Let go of those that no longer have a positive effect on us and replace them with better new ones.

Be confident that we are moving in a happy direction and enjoy our daily life.

East Peak Stage Gulch Pass, Sonoma CA, relax, warm, Spring,
Watercolor Paiting by Mariko Irie

You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one

I hope some day you’ll join us

And the world will be as one

Love all,


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