1083. Cyclers in Spring

“1083. Cyclers in Spring” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This location is Ramal Rd, Carnaros vineyard region, south of the town of Sonoma.

According to “Shelter in Place” not many cars on roads, quiet, very enjoyable ride.

Till May 1, birds sounded like celebrating less cars and cleaner air, with joyful chirping.

I heard we are in the second emotional stage of “Shelter in Place”.

The first one was when we got order of “ Shelter in Place”

We were in shock from an unusual situation with uncertain future.

People stuck inside house, a big stress to human-beings.

Violence inside homes have happened worldwide.

Right before third stage people feel better and think it’s over, but deep depression follows.

We want to avoid this, right?

Our brains have good functions, such as activating dopamine to prevent depression.

Eat food that contains tyrosine such as fish, almonds, soy beans, cheese.

Make a small goal each day. When finishing the goal, our accomplishments feel good.

Walking is a good one.

Laughing is a very good one.

Now parks are reopened, tennis court as well.

We cycled to tennis courts.

We didn’t play tennis very long, as it’s hard to get the sense of distance from racket and a ball. Can you believe it?

So we laugh a lot.

After sweating from cycling and playing tennis, we feel so good.

This I learned from Mizuto Aoto speech this morning. He entered the Department of Neuroscience at UCLA and graduated in 2012. He is a leader in the field of “NeuroEdTech”, which combines brain x education x IT.

According his speech, they found our brain has other functions from which feel pleasure by getting information from unknown world. Otherwise our civilization couldn’t have developed so far.

In neuroscience there is a principle “ Use it or Lose it”.

If you don’t use the part of brain, lose it, like muscles.

Aoto said “We can see muscles grow if you do exercise. But we can’t see inside of brain. So just believe it grows as we continue to use it.”

“Find happiness in Uncertainty.”

Have a fun.

The future is ours.

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