1103. Peaceful Gorgeous Sunset

“1103. Peaceful Gorgeous Sunset” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This location is at Mendocino Headlands, CA.

Every time I see beautiful sunset, I get exited. It gives me a big smile and sparkling eyes.

I feel I can expect a marvelous day tomorrow keeping this colorful world in my mind.

What a wonderful world we are living in😊❤️

After I wrote this we watched Joe Biden’s inauguration on TV.

A virtual “Parade Across America” on inauguration afternoon, hosted by actor Tony Goldwyn. 

While watching all ethnicities in this country, including native americans, blacks, hispanics, and more, are dancing, performing, happily celebrating Joe Biden’s inauguration, my heart was warming, smile on my face with the Earth Wind & Fire and the New Radicals were singing, my body started dancing. 

I didn’t have this feeling for long time.

I’m so happy, from the bottom of my heart, to be in this country which is a leader of Democracy.


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