“829. Bodega Bay in Spring” Oil painting by Mariko Irie
This location is Bodega Bay, CA.
I went to there between rainy days. I was tired from rainy days; of cause we need more rain water. Any way I looked the weather.com on the day morning, it was sunny all day.
So I put my painting gear in my car and heading west to the Ocean.
My friend recommended me, take Occidental Rd, get Occidental and take Coleman Valley Rd., because along the Coleman Valley Rd. is so beautiful.
So I did, I got Occidental and went to the Coleman Valley Rd. But I lost. So I took other road to get Bodega Bay/Ocean. I drove a little North and found small parking spot by the ocean.
Flowers were blooming, covered the ground, waves were going and coming slowly.
What a soothing time.
But the Sun was very hot. When I was painting with Plain Air group, painters told me that not put sunglass on. So I had never painted as putting my sunglass on. But this time the sun was so harsh to my eyes. I was looking the view and my painting palette through my sunglasses, why should not put sunglass on. So I put my sunglass on and painted this painting.
When I painted sunny day like the day, I painted in the sun without sunglass, the painting got much darker. This time it didn’t get darker. Just looks fine.
So I discovered, painting with sunglass is good for my eyes and painting as well.
After I finished this painting, I saw the road sign across the Hwy 1. It was the Coleman Valley Rd. of cause I took the road coming home. It was beautiful scenery.
Looking down is Coastline, along the road there are several ranches covered with fresh grass and flowers, and some big rocks. I felt like I were a different world.
But the road is a narrow snake road, so it was hard to park my car and take photos.
I just keep the scenes only in my memory.