Indication in Trees

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


“821. Indication in Trees” Watercolor/Sumi/Gold&Silver painting by Mariko Iire

It’s soooo warm days, over 70 F in Santa Rosa these days. I love it.

Mostly deciduous trees don’t have leaves yet.

But I feel spring.

Birds are chirping as busily flying.

Clouds are like thin cotton candy in pale blue sky.

I feel indication of loves in cheerful peace, don’t you?

Beach at Sunset

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“210. Beach at Sunset” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This scene is my imaginary one.

This is my hope from my heart for this year.

It’s peace, soothing, exiting, colorful, bright, warm and happy in love and appreciation for this universe.

Lupine by Ten Miles River

How are you everybody?

I had a car accident on HWY 128, way home to Santa Rosa from Mendocino on Jan. 3rd.

Don’t worry; I didn’t get hurt at all, just my car.

I was so lucky that no car on both lanes at that moment. My car slipped and lost control. I didn’t want to go off from the cliff, and my car sudden U-tuned to get on the other lane facing Mendocino Coast and the next moment my car was facing the bank and crashed. It might be a short time, but I felt that I was watching movie.

My car’s bumper part was hanging, so I push up and I drove.

Very nice people, two cars stopped for me and guarded my car and led to Navarro Market. They were so kind people.

It was on Sunday. When I went in a store, maybe just before 5pm. The store manager was closing, but he let me use the phone to call AAA which my insurance company.

The manager was so nice; he let other employee went home, he waited for me to finish phone call. He offered me coffee and sweet. He had to close the store. But he told me that he knew the Towing Company guy. He went home, and called the Towing Company and made sure it was coming to rescue me. And came back to me to tell me ”Don’t worry they come.” It was so sweet. After the accident, it was getting dark; I had to wait the towing car in a dark by myself. But these people supported me. Plus I had a good book and good flash light to read for waiting.

The towing driver was a sweet person. We had a good conversation about “Love”, “Appreciation” and other things way to my home for two hours. And then the driver gave a good tip how to handle an insurance Company.

I have never accident before. I didn’t know what a hassle.

The next day I call my insurance company to report.

After the shock, it was hard to think, but I had to tell them and answer all questions. But they did well. They sent me a check to buy a new car. They estimated my car more value than “Blue Book”.

Finding a car is other hassle. I studied cars and had to decide which one to buy. Insurance company paid rent a car for me.

Some car sales man was in a hurry to make me a decision. I was not comfortable at all with a sales woman. I needed a car right a way, but still I wanted to think what I really want.

And alsoI didn’t know how I was so fragile and stressful after the car accident even I didn’t get hurt at all.

But I met Tom Larson and Charles Hansen at Manly Honda in Santa Rosa. They were so relax mood, have a lot of patient to listen to me that made me so comfortable. And they found the car I wanted exactly. I purchased my new car on Jan.11th. So I could drive my new car to Mendocino Coast to attend our annual meeting of Nothcoast Arists Gallery on Jan.12th.

Now I drive my Honda Fit 2016. I crashed my car was Honda Fit 2010. I amazed Honda improved Fit much better in 6 years.

After my accident, three weeks were gone.

But now I’m so relaxed and painted “ 818. Lupine by Ten Miles River” in watercolor.

818. Lupin by Ten Miles River

“818. Lupine by Ten Miles River” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

I painted this scene in Oil before, but I wanted to paint it in watercolor.

It’s soothing, isn’t it?

Light at Navarro Beach

This location is at Navarro Beach CA.

When I come to Mendocino Coast, I take Hwy 128. This is first place see the Ocean after valleys, mountains, redwood trees and river. It’s very exiting place. Probably all tourists take photos at this spot.

The last time I visited Mendocino Coast, between storms. I heard they got monster waves and high tide so beaches were disappeared.

When I got at this spot, it was incredible scene. Look!

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“817. Light at Navarro Beach” Watercolor/Sumi/Gold& Silver Painting by Mariko Irie

I’m still playing with Watercolor, Sumi, and Gold & Silver on my paintings.

What do you think?

Marry Xmas

In Trees

I was watching the morning mist.

It’s fantastic and mystery.

I just kept the feeling and painted this.


“816. In Trees” Watercolor/Sumi/Gold & Silver Painting by Mariko Irie

I still play with watercolor, Sumi and Gold & Silver.

What do you feel?


End of Autumn

The other morning I looked outside from my window.

I couldn’t believe the view has been changed sudden.

The day before the morning, trees had a lot of colorful yellow orange leaves on. In the morning the leaves were glow in dark, in the evening the sunset light made the leaves like fire.

But during that night almost leaves were gone.

Trees are all sticks. So now I can see the neighbors roofs and the forest.

And a lot of birds come to the trees and two squirrels run on branch to branch so smoothly.

Yes, I got other scene from my window.

But autumn is gone.


“815. End of Autumn” Watercolor/Sumi/Gold&Silver painting by Mariko Irie

I still play with Watercolor, Sumi and Silver & gold.

What do you think?


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“814. Leap” Watercolor/sumi painting by Mariko Irie

This is the second one of which paint following my “気(Ki)”

The feeling just came to me and played with Watercolor, Metal and Sumi.

After I painted, the painting surprised me.

The title is “814. Leap”. Do you feel it?

Cosmic Love

Now I started new project, which paint following my “気(Ki)”

I play with, Sumi, Gold & Silver and watercolor.

Whatever comes to my mine, make into painting.

It’s my perfect Holiday project, don’t you think?

Here comes!

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“813. Cosmic Love” Watercolor/sumi painting by Mariko Irie

Beginning of the day

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“812, Beginning of the Day” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

When I was passing by this tree, I felt this tree is a big Bonsai tree.

I feel this tree matches to this scene. Don’t you think?

The tree has charming, interesting movement, playing beautiful music and talking to us.


What a wonderful scene to starts the day.

Good morning.

Peeking Seaside Beach

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“811. Peeking Seaside Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

Happy thanks Giving!

My friend send me this wonderful and beautiful soul. I love to share with you:


Gratitude to Mother Earth, sailing through night and day–

and to her soil: rich, rare and sweet

in our minds so be it.


Gratitude to Plants, the sun-facing light-changing leaf

and fine root hairs: standing still through wind

and rain; their dance is in the flowing spiral grain

in our minds so be it.


Gratitude to Air, bearing the soaring Swift and the silent

Owl at dawn. Breath of our song

clear spirit breeze

   in our minds so be it.


Gratitude to Wild Beings, our brothers, teaching secrets,

freedoms and ways; who share with us their milk;

self- complete, brave, and aware

in our minds so be it.


Gratitude to Water: clouds, lakes, rivers, glaciers;

holding or releasing; streaming through all

all bodies salty seas

in our minds so be it.


Gratitude to the Sun: blinding pulsing light through

trunks of trees, through mists, warming caves where

bears and snakes sleep–he who wakes us–

in our minds so be it.


Gratitude to the Great Sky

who holds billions of stars–and goes yet beyond that–

beyond all powers, and thoughts

and yet is within us–

Grandfather Space

The Mind is his Wife.


so be it.


                         after a Mohawk prayer.