Wooden Trail on the Cliff

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“810. Wooden Trail on the Cliff” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

Some lucky people live on this cliff.

This is their wooden trail.

What a gorgeous view, isn’t it?

I wonder they walk on this trail as meditating every morning.

It would be the perfect place to be, don’t you think?

Breathe in and breathe out with the ocean rhythm.


It was very interesting morning.

I wake up in that morning at my friends’ a couple miles from this cliff.

It was very foggy. The place was surrounded by white thick fog. So I waited for a while. It was getting a little lighter. I didn’t miss the fog movement. So I went to this cliff.

It was perfect timing.

After I left, it got very thick fog again. The view was just white: When I was driving I couldn’t see the ocean, just mass of white. I thanked what showed me.

I will paint a few painting from the cliff. This is the first one.

I hope that you like it.

Waves at Sunny Beach

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“809. Waves at Sunny Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

I believe that a lot of people loves sunny day, especially after rainy days.

It makes us cheerful, doesn’t it?

I love staring sparkles on waves. They are fascinating, look like dancing on waves.


Waves at Seaside Beach

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“808. Waves at Seaside Beach” Watercolor painting By Mariko Irie

This location is Seaside Beach, CA.

Just sit there and listen to the waves.

Can you hear them?

We will get nice energy from waves.

They sooth us and cleanse our tangled up feeling.

Then we will see smile on our faces.


A Bird at the Beach

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”807. A Bird at the Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

I can relate this painting very much.

Bob Dylan said:

The land created me. I’m wild and lonesome. Even as I travel the cities, I’m more at home in the vacant lots.

I was born in Tokyo, which is a city. But I feel much comfortable at beach or in a field than in a city.

Being alone gives me a room to imagine, which is my favor world.


Quince and a Bird

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“806. Quince and a Bird” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

Now, we have nice mornings in Santa Rosa. So I go for a walk in the morning.

I thought that quince blooms in spring, but I found a few blossoms on the bushes. It’s autumn and getting winter now. But they are blooming. It makes me warmer and happy.


My favor writer Hisui Kotaro says:

Happiness is not for finding, has to be realized.

I agree with it, what do you think?



Red-breasted Flycatcher

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“805. Red-breasted Flycatcher” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

Leaves are turning red and yellow. Their colors are more intense than one week ago. The colors of leaves of this painting are one week ago. They were much greener than now.

Green indicates, “Go forward”, right?

Pedro Calderon de la Barca said:

Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.

I love this quote very much, don’t you?

Cardinals Chattering

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“804. Cardinals Chattering” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

On cold day, I love to have happy company with colorful joy.

So I painted this painting.


Yesterday evening our Ping-Pong friends got together having drink and dinner at Hopmonk in Sebastopol.

One of our players is a professional magician, Frank. And he does magic on Wednesday evenings there. So we planed to have a gathering there.

We had joyful laughing together at a cold evening.


I like the word:

When shared, joy is doubled and sorrow halved.


Oregon Junco


“789. Oregon Junco” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

Suddenly it got cold.

I was using electric fan not long ago, yesterday I realized that it was in my room still.

Italian-American composer and librettist, Gian Carlo Menotti said:

There are three reasons why I live in Scotland. First, I like silence, and you have to be a millionaire to buy silence in Italy. Second, I like cold weather. Third, in Italy I have too many relatives and know too many people, so I never get a quiet time.

I understand very well.

And Steve Jobs said:

My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.

Yes, it’s getting a day is shorter, which means a night is longer. So I can have more quiet time for reading and imagining. It’s my favor time.

Morning Walk at Seaside Beach


“803. Morning Walk at Seaside Beach” Watercolor Painting by Mariko Irie

This location is Seaside Beach, CA

As walking at a beach in the morning, a lot of thoughts are coming through in my mind.

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” Marcus Aurelius

“Love. Fall in love and stay in love. Write only what you love, and love what you write. The key word is love. You have to get up in the morning and write something you love, something to live for.” Ray Bradbury

“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” Henry David Thoreau

Morning walk is so precious, isn’t it?



Ten Miles River at Seaside Beach


“802. Ten Mile Beach at Seaside Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This location is at Seaside Beach CA.

This is the south side of Seaside Beach, where the Ten Miles River meets the ocean.

I painted several paintings from the cliff:


“214. Ten Miles Beach in the Morning” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

Morning Glow

462. Morning Glow Oil Painting by Mariko Irie

River entrance

464. River Entrance Oil painting by Mariko Irie

Morning Shadows

471. Morning Shadows Oil painting by Mariko Irie

Pink Clouds

477. Pink Clouds Oil painting by Mariko Irie

Love in the Universe

478. Love in the Universe Oil painting by Mariko Irie


“710. Morning Glow at Ten Miles Beach” Oil painting by Mariko Irie


“741. The River meets the Ocean” Oil painting by Mariko Irie


“742. Orange Sunset” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This is the first painting from Seaside Beach.

I hope that you like this painting as well.