Big River in Silence


“702. Big River in silence” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This location is on the Big River. It was in early foggy morning. We were on a small electric boat. I like an electric boat. Of cause it doesn’t pollute river like a motorboat, we don’t need fight against the tide like a rowboat. And it doesn’t make noise, so we can enjoy creature very close: blue herons flew from trees and landed a bank started look for their breakfast. River otters swam and played. It was so fun to watch them.

This scene was so tranquil. It was my favor moment.

Do you feel cool foggy morning air?

Calalilies by Ford House


“701. Calalilies by Ford House” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This location is in Mendocino Village, CA.

I don’t know when these calalilies started grow on that location. Looks like they love the location, the patch of calalilies grows bigger every year.

When I moved Mendocino in 1982, they were there. But somebody told me that calalilies are not native plants in Mendocino California. From their name they might come from China. Logging Company was in Mendocino two hundreds years ago or some. By the 1860s, Mendocino was home to 500 to 700 Chinese. And they built a Chinese temple, Temple of Kwan Tai in the village.

I love calalilies, don’t you?

Flower Booth

It was a sunny morning, I got up earlier and I wanted find nice scenes with vineyard. I started to drive Hwy 101 from Santa Rosa heading north. Around Healdsburg I got off from Hwy, I wanted to go to the mountains side, but I lost and some how I got in Healdsburg Square. I love the place. It was around nine O’clock in the morning. I could find parking spot so easy. Some people were sitting on the bench, chattering, reading newspaper, and walking with a dog. I started to do window-shopping. Of cause all stores are closed besides cafeterias. Some how I got in a farmers market. It was nice energy. When I saw this flower booth, I was vibrated with these flowers.


“700. Flower Booth” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

What a nice summer morning!

North of Mendocino Headlands


685. North of Mendocino Headlands

This location is Mendocino Coast CA., looking from opposite North of Mendocino Headlands.


It was sunny day, warm and movement there. There is nice invitation to the environment.

I feel that I captured the quiet moment with calm colors and composition well.


What do you think?

Soothing Sunset Jug Handle Beach


“698. Soothing Sunset Jug Handle Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This is my one of my favor spots.

The location is Jug Handle Beach, CA from the Bridge, Hwy 1.

Yesterday we sat up my show. It was cool fresh air in Fort Bragg.

Everybody told me “It’s a beautiful show”, “They are stunning”…….

Almost the show was up; a gentleman was staring my whole show and said “ You are really enjoying painting.” Yes, I’m.

Painting is my life and each of my painting is a page of my dairy.

I’m very grateful to have my show in such big nice room at the Northcoast Artists Gallery.

My show “Mariko Irie 2014” runs through July 28th.

The reception will be tomorrow July 4th 5pm-8pm. I will be there to meet you.

Also I will be at the Northcoast Artists Gallery 10am -6pm July 6th Saturday.

The Northocoast Artists Galley:

Open Daily 10am-6pm

362 N. Main St. Fort Bragg CA 95437


I hope to see you there,

“ Happy July 4th”,


Mendocino Sunset

When I was heading south from Mendocino Village, I saw this scene.


“697. Mendocino Sunset” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

It graved my heart. So I parked at the vista along the Hwy 1. I enjoyed the sunset: changing the color of sky and dynamic clouds performance.

I’m very grateful to be a painter. During painting this painting, all memory came back. I was inside of this scene. What a wonderful feeling.

Jug Handle Beach


“684. Jug Handle Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This is Jug Handle Beach, my best favor beach in Mendocino Coast.

I painted in this State Park from different angles and different spots.


I painted

In 2007


“228. Jug Handle Beach at Sunset” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

In 2012,


“468. Pine by Beach” Oil Painting by Mariko Irie

In 2012,



“510. Jug Handle Beach in Summer” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2012,


“525. Yarrow by the Beach” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2012,


“528. Lonesome Seagull on Cloudy Day” Oil painting by Mariko Irie



“543. Love at Jug Handle Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

In 2012,


“544.Pine at Jug Handle Beach” Sumi-E by Mariko Irie

In 2012,


“545. Peace at Jug Handle Beach” Sumi-E by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“578. Peeking Jug Handle Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“606. Walking at the Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


604. Time Goes By” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“603. spring at Jug Handle Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“622. Pine in Love” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“628. Rock” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“629. Rock with Fog Bank” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“630. Rock by Shore” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“635. Sunny Morning at Jug Handle” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“638. Tree By Ocean” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“639. Foggy Morning” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“640. quiet Moment” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2013,


“647. Foggy Morning Beach” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2014,


“694. Sunset at Jug Handle Beach” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

In 2014,


“698. Soothing Sunset Jug Handle Beach” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


Do you see how much I love the Jug Handle State Park?




Colorful Marsh


“683. Colorful Marsh” Watercolor Painting by Mariko Irie

It was right after the last rain in Mendocino Coast, CA.


After our business meeting at the gallery, I got outside. I was surprised that it was still before sunset. So I rushed to the beach. Before I got the beach, I saw this scene.

Gorgeous sunlight from Oceanside, It was breath taking.


The light exited me, but it was in silence.


Seagulls at Mendocino Headlands

When I go to Mendocino from Santa Rosa, a lot of times get Mendocino around lunchtime. I bring my lunch with me and come to this spot. I love watching waves, sunset there. Since I lived in Mendocino, this spot is one of my favor places.

Staring at waves for hours, every wave are different, color changes, birds flying by, clouds moving, fog come in, on and on.


“682. Seagulls at Mendocino Headlands” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

These seagulls are popular there. Normally there is one or two. But when I try to eat lunch out side of a car, several seagulls come. So I eat my lunch in my car. Also a lot of times it’s very windy.

Cloudy Day at Mendocino Headlands



“681. Cloudy Day at Mendocino Headlands” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

It was early spring.

We didn’t get much rain in the last winter. But in spring we had nice rainy days.


Yes, we didn’t get much rain, so I missed rainy days.

It’s cloudy day, birds were playing over the ocean.


Isn’t it nostalgic?