Spring at Jug Handle Beach


“603. Spring at jug Handle Beach” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This scene was at Jug Handle Beach CA. It was in spring. Yarrows were blooming.

Waves are coming and going softly and colorful ground.


I love this painting so much. It makes me feel so good. It’s in watercolor.


I painted same scene in oil before: “525. Yarrows by the beach”

Yarrow by the Beach

525. Yarrow by the Beach Oil painting by Mariko Irie


They are so different feeling.

Sounds of Waves


“643. Sounds of Waves” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

I love sounds of waves.

Sometimes they are so soothing. Sometimes they are dramatic and dynamic.

They have always some kind of rhythm.


“To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. Do you feel your music?”
― Michael Jackson


Do you hear sounds of waves?


Clouds over Ford House Field


“641. Clouds over Ford House Field” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This scene was at Ford House Field in Mendocino Village CA.

Ford House is a museum. They have information of Mendocino Village history.

I love the model, which is village of Mendocino scene, when their industry was logging for over 100 years ago.


There are picnic tables on this field. So you can enjoy food & wine or some as watching waves and breezing fresh air.


In July every year, they put biiiiiiiiig white tent on this field and play music days and nights for a week. It’s a neat event. They invite musicians from all over countries to play music in the tent.


I love this exciting scene. Clouds and waves. Yahoo!

Quiet Moment


“640. Quiet Moment” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This scene is Jug Handle State Park.

It was a beautiful sunny morning.

Do you feel mild sensuous breezes?


“He would be a poet who could impress the winds and streams into service, to speak for him.” Henry David Thoreau


Yes, it is a big challenge for landscape/seascape painters to translate the air into paint.

Foggy Morning


“639.Foggy Morning” Oil Painting by Mariko Irie

This is Jug Handle State Park. It was foggy morning.

I exaggerated colors a little. It came out nice.


Now in Santa Rosa, morning and night get cold. Leaves are turning yellow and reddish. A lot of acorns are on ground.


This painting’s colors remind me autumn colors.

I’m looking forward beautiful autumn colors everywhere in Santa Rosa soon.

Time Goes By


“606. Time Goes By” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This scene is at Jug Handle Beach. But it can be anywhere.

I took one week to complete this painting.

When I almost finished this painting, I wanted some movement in this painting.

During my morning walk, it was thick foggy morning in Santa Rosa CA, I saw clouds were crossing in front of the sun. The sun was covered with fog, but there is round light.

When I got home I finished this painting with the clouds passing in front of the sun.


I just found a book:

Slowly, slowly, slowly said the Sloth

By Eric Carle


I love children’s books with good story & ilustration. Eric Carle is one of my favor illustrator & author of children’s book. When my old son was little, his favor book was “ The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by him. Now his son who is almost four year old, has the book.


Anyway Eric Carle wrote on back of the book ” Slowly, slowly, slowly said the Sloth”:


“Why are we always in a hurry?

Rush. Rush. Rush.

We scurry from here and there.

Quick! Click!—— we watch TV. We eat fast food.

Everyone tells us make it snappy!

Hurry up! Time is flying! Step on it!

There’s so little time just to be with friends.

to watch a sunset or graze at a star-filled sky.

Ah. What we could learn——-even if just a little from the gentle sloth who slowly, slowly, slowly craws along a branch of a tree. Eats a little, sleep a lot, and lives in peace.”


I love to watch. That’s why I’m enjoying painting realism.

During painting, this world time disappears and staring at “Time goes by”.


“Time goes by” slowly, gently just like mild sensuous breezes.

A Tree by Ocean


638. A Tree by Ocean Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This scene is at Jug Handle State Park.

This tree is the only one on the cliff. I’m curious to know how it sprouted.

It must be hard to grow, because there is no protection.

It’s amazing to me.

I painted the tree “633. One tree left” in Oil before.


“633. One Tree Left” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

Now I painted the tree close up in watercolor.

I love the composition, movement of the painting and colors vey much.


What do you think?

Morning Walk


637. Morning Walk Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

It was drizzling morning in Caspar CA, in summer.

Ground had nice moisture and lively colors. Dry ground is dead to my eye.


I saw a couple walking as having a nice conversation quietly.


This scene is somehow nostalgic to me.