Sunny Morning at Jug Handle


635. Sunny Morning at Jug Handle Oil painting by Mariko Irie

It was gorgeous sunny morning at Jug Handle State Park.


I was so fascinated looking at waves were coming going.

I was on the cliff and looking down the beach.

The waves were look like fine white laces, moving on surface of water, disappeared and appeared.


Shadows were glowing blue.


What a cheerful morning

Under the Apple Tree


627. Under the Apple Tree Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This scene is at a private garden on Mendocino Coast. It was end of the last month, in August.


In California we have dry season and rainy season.

In Japan we have rain all year. So in summer plants grow and it’s so green.

But in California in summer all weeds, grass die without water. So in summer ground is brown.

I was born and grew up in Japan. After I moved to California, I don’t get used view in summer in California for many years. It was strange to me. But my sons were born and grew up here. So when we visited Japan in summer, they told me, “Mom, it’s so strange, everything is so green here.”


Anyway gardener of this garden takes care of this garden so well. So every plant are so alive, healthy in the garden.


It was nice warm day. It was unusual in Mendocino.

I really enjoyed painting in the garden.

Pine in Love


622. Pine in Love Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This location is Jug Handle Beach again.

I love this composition very much.


This big empty space balances to everything.


It might be Japanese way to think.

I just got a book “Composition” by Arthur Wesly Dow.  The first edition was published in 1899.

Back of the book says:Dow’s composition exercised an enormous influence on emerging modern artists of century ago including Georgia O’Keeffe and Charles Sheeler.

They are my favor artists.

I don’t read this book yet.

I was trained “composition” for one year and half  before I got in Musashino Art University. And we continued studying “composition” at the university. So I have good confidence of “composition”.

I took painting class of Bill Martin at the college of Red wood. I respect Bill Martin as a great art instructor and a painter.

After the class I showed my painting, which I painted at my studio, to Bill Martin. He said, “It’s me. This composition wouldn’t work for me.” Then I told myself, “Japanese composition wouldn’t work in this country.”

Anyway I took the painting to the Galley and it was sold right away. So I thought that somebody likes the composition. It was two decades ago.

Now I found this “Composition” by Arthur Wesley Dow. His composition based on Japanese composition. I’m very curious to read this book.

Back to my painting “Pine in Love”.

Pine tree is symbol of Perpetuate Youth and Longevity in Japan.

And I saw the shape of heart from the earth of this scene.

So I named “Pine in Love”.


Carol who purchased the painting e-mailed me:

Hi Mariko,

It arrived!  What a wonderful painting.  I will treasure it.  Thank you!


It made my day.

Thanks, Carol


A Trail


634. A Trail Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This painting scene is at the Jug Handle State Park again.

I love these colors and very simple composition very much.


My friend came to Santa Rosa from Fort Bragg. So I asked her to bring three paintings including this painting to the Northcoast Artists Gallery in Fort Bragg CA.


Right after she brought those paintings in the gallery, this painting was sold.


Wow!! Right time right person comes in the gallery. It happens.


Thank you, whoever purchased this painting.

Wildflowers by Cypress Cove


623. Wildflowers by Cypress Cove Oil painting by Mariko Irie

I Painted this “623. Wildflowers by Cypress Cove” in oil,

after I painted “613. Wildflowers on the coast” in watercolor.


613. Wildflowers on the Coast Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

They are same location.

Switching media is not so easy. Nature of oil painting and watercolor painting are so different.

For example Oil painting starts dark to light colors.

And we have to paint watercolor painting light to dark, otherwise even it’s completely dried, very dark color breed by touching with water. And watercolor I don’t use white paint, white is leaving paper without paint.

Oil painting we have to have white paint.

I like painting both in oil and in Watercolor. The results are so different. It’s fun.

One Tree Left

This one was at Jug Handle State Park.


633. One Tree Left Oil painting by Mariko Irie

I love trails. They have histories. I don’t know the histories, but just imagining is fun.


Somebody told me that human made straight line.


That reminds me that any of trails are not straight.


Far ahead there is a tree. That is the only tree on the headlands.

Some day I will paint the tree close up.


I love this painting’s composition a lot. It’s very simple, so I paid attention to the composition and colors.


How do you like this painting?



This one is from my friend’s house window. This house is vey charming house.


631. Window Oil painting by Mariko Irie

Today we have first rain for this winter. It makes nice fresh air and plants are happy as well.

We will more time to look through windows in a rainy day.


I love windows.


We went to Yosemite around Xmas time. We got snow, so went to Ahwahnee Hotel and see this view.


169. Snow view from the Ahwahnee Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

Keep warm.

Wave House

This one was when I was on my morning walk from my friend’s house where I was staying in Caspar CA. I saw this very attractive house. It reminds me Architect Antoni Gaudí i Cornet.

I didn’t mean that Architect style is same. They are very different style.


Wikipidia explains Antoni Gaudí i Cornet works: His work transcended mainstream Modernisme, culminating in an organic style inspired by nature.

I believe that the house reminded me Antoni Gaudí i Cornet, because it’s  “an organic style inspired by nature”.

Later I found this house is called “Wave House”.


631. Wave House Oil painting by Mariko Irie

I love this paintings color harmony very much.

This house is WAVE, so I have to include the ROCK fence.


Do you like it?

On the Cliff

It was sunny day. Ocean was exciting.

Theses shadows came out fantastic.


619. On the Cliff Oil painting by Mariko Irie

I primed red on this Gessoed panel.

I prime a panel in color: especially plein air (paint at location), if I paint on white panel, the reflection from the panel is hard on my eyes.

I like red, because mostly blue, green… scenes, peeking red makes a little spicy.

And I scratch my signature instead of using brush to do, so my signature is in red.

Isn’t it cool?


Rocks by Shore

This painting is again at Jug Handle State Park, CA.


630. Rocks by Shore

It was foggy morning.

When it’s foggy or cloudy, we don’t get the dynamic shadows but can see more true colors.


Somebody might say: What are you talking about true colors?

Yes, we, artists paint from our minds.


Anyway it was beautiful colors.

It was quiet, just listening waves coming going.

I had a great time being there to paint.