Rock with Fog Bank

I had a very interesting experience through painting this picture.


629. Rock with Fog Bank Oil painting by Mariko Irie

I walked this location from where I stayed in the morning. It was gorgeous blue sky. I went to back to get my painting gear. And I came back to this location. I saw a woman was painting near me. I didn’t say anything even “Hi” to this lady at all. I was eager to start paint before fog comes in.

I saw the fog bank on the horizon.

I paint normally back to front. I almost finish; the lady came to me and said, “Look. Fog came in. No color any more.”  And then sudden all color disappeared.


Always I paint by myself. So I didn’t know when I focus on painting completely, I space out. In other words I space in my world.


Does it make sense to you?



628. Rock Oil painting by Mariko IrieI


I wonder how long this rock has been there. Thousands years? Millions years?

Once upon a time it might be under the ocean.


What a beautiful existence.

Driving in the Sun


592. Driving in the Sun Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This is on Hwy 1 in Little River, CA by the Glendeven Inn, who shows my paintings.

There are some barns in the field and cross the Hwy there are houses, which is called Spring Ranch.

I painted “To Mendocino II”, which is Spring Ranch.

Do you know shadow get bluish in the afternoon toward evening?

I got a lot of compliment for this painting ” Driving in the Sun” .

I’m so happy to hear people like this painting  just like I do.

A couple, who purchased Fine Art Giclee Print of this painting, told me that they are going to marry at the Spring Ranch. I’m glad that I painted the spot where they are going to marry in the Sun.


Bridge with Flowers

It was a clear and mild spring. The location was the south of Albion Ridge CA.


612. Bridge with flowers Watercolor Painting by Mariko Irie

I felt so good there.

Just feel the breath, watching swaying weeds and flowers in wind, clouds going and coming,

Do you feel it?


Modeled Bodies

There are other shows at De Young Museum. So I went to other ones after Richard Diebekorn’s show.

The title of the show is “Modeled Bodies”.

I used to go to figure drop in. Always models were nude. I wanted to draw or paint models in nice outfit.


611. Modeled Bodies Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

I love this lithograph very much. It’s by David Hockney. It’s hard to believe it, because it’s so different from his other works.

Probably the lady, who is looking at his lithograph, got a shock like I did.


I just finished “Conversations with Picasso” by his photographer Brassai in Japanese. It’s a great book.

I always respect Picasso since I saw his drawing of a foot. When he was fourteen years old, he drew that. He mastered traditional drawing already. And then he copied masters’ paintings. After that he started his own. He lived in art and  the art movement.

Brassai explained Picasso’s nature “ He has a nature royal to happy events, so he is remained in only memories of happy days.”

I’m not sure I translate right. I red the book in Japanese. Now I’m writing in English. I hope that you feel it.

And he believed “ Achieving to Abstract, you should start from concrete reality.”

Then Picasso said “ Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an Artist.”


Now back to David Hockney, he has lived in Art movement as well. He was born in 1937, so he is 76 years old. He is still painting biiiiiiig paintings plein air, size like 15’ x 40’.

I love to have that energy, don’t you?


By the way, the lady, who is looking at David Hockney’s Lithograph, wears jacket and boots. It was early August. It’s San Francisco outfit in summer.

Thank you for reading my blog.




Wildflowers on the Coast

I’m going to demonstrate this painting step by step in next workshop on Sept. 7 & 8 at Mendocino Art Center:

613. blog 1

613. Wildflower on the coast stage1 Watercolor by Mariko Irie

613. blog 2

613. Wildflowers on the Coast Stage 2 Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

613. blog 3

613. Wildflowers on the Coast Stage 3 Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

613. blog 5

613. Wildflowers on the Coast Stage 5 Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

613. blog 8

613. Wildflowers on the Coast stage 8 Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


613.Wildflowers on the Coast Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

You will learn watercolor nature better and easier through this process of using Masking fluid.

And I’m happy to assist you for your painting.

I painted these pictures using masking fluid as well.


585. Ukiah Street Watercolor Painting by Mariko Irie

Road in Autumn

546. Road in Autumn Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


249. Mendocino Headlands in Fall Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


182. By Van Damm Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

If you are relax and happy mood, and then let watercolor paint, watercolor magic happens.

Let’s have a fun. Splashing watercolor.

In Japan, they say autumn is a season for Art.

Especially watercolor you can paint in a nice room. No mess, no toxic fume. So it’s good for winter project as well. Painting adds your life more colorful and happy.

I still have some seats for this workshop. If you don’t sign up yet, please do so. Time goes by so quickly, don’t you think?

Beginners are welcome as well.

I hope to see you in my workshop.

Happy painting!


After I painted “ After Richard Diebenkorn Show”, I wanted to focus on these two men on the bench, and still it’s related with Richard Diebenkorn Show,


610. Sitting Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

And then I named this painting “Sitting” with a char of Richard Diebenkorn’s painting.


After Richard Diebenkorn Show

I was talking with one of artist who was at my opening as looking at my paintings “Cakes & a Boy” and “Thiebaud & Skateboarders”. She told me that if I like Wayne Thiebaud’s works, I might like Richard Diebenkorn’s works. Yes, I do. Then she told me that De Young Museum is having a show “Richard Diebenkorn The Berkeley Years 1953 – 1966”

So I went to see his show.

It was a great show. I have never seen his works in person. It was real treat to me.

I love his 50’s and 60’s works.

As looking at Richard Diebenkorn’s works, I felt nostalgic and same time they bring me something new.


Inside of the show, no camera is allowed. So after get out from the show rooms, it’s at the hallway. There is a huge print of  “Interior with Doorway” by Richard Diebenkorn. It’s amazing technology. The print is way bigger than original painting, but it’s not fuzzy at all.


Anyway there are two men sitting on the bench by the print of Richard Diebenkorn.


609. After Richard Diebenkorn Show Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

Spring by the Ocean


599. Spring by The Ocean Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

I painted this painting as my demonstration at my workshop.

One of students requested to paint seascape, especially waves.


People ask me how to paint waves.

My way is: go to a beach, staring waves coming and going for least half of hour. And paint the scene.

Painting from only photo is so difficult, because I have to know how waves move. When I’m painting, the memory comes back. And then in my painting, waves move.


I’m a realist. I love to watch.

I hope that you enjoy this painting. It’s warm springtime by the ocean. Can you hear waves coming and going?



Rock at Mendocino Bay

This is Mendocino Bay, CA.


587. Rock at Mendocino Bay Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

The scene is over the bay, you can see Mendocino Main Street.

It was a nice warm day, cute cotton candy clouds were flouting.

Waves were coming and going.

What a relaxing day in Mendocino, isn’t it?