Rose Garden


583. Rose Garden Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This is at Russian River Rose Co. in Healdsburg again.

Now you see mountains far away. It’s located where vineyards are surrounded. So feeling is very spacious.

When I was leaving, I couldn’t leave without having one of Rose plants.

The owner, Jann (I hope that her name is right) showed me around. I purchased: the shape of the rose is very classic one. And when the flowers were small, the center of the flowers is pale pink. That she told me.

When I got home I put by the East entrance. I watched the plant everyday. Then I thought that one of them might bloom the next day. And the next morning, the bud and other ones were gone. I knew that deer ate them.

So now the plant is on the roof, in front of my bedroom window. One of them started to open. It’s so cute. And nice pale pink is the center. I love it.


Quiet Moment with Iris

This is at the Russian River Rose Co.

There are so many kinds of Roses and different flowers as well.

I was attracted to this Iris patch.

I looked this Iris patch. It reminded me Monet’s Iris painting.

I love Iris. Especially this one is so beautiful. Don’t you think so?


Rose World

We went to paint out at Russian River Rose Co. in Healdsburg on May 9th.

I have never been before. It’s amazing. Roses, roses, roses…..

Neighbors are vineyards. Somebody told me that Healdsburg is Provence


581. Rose World Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

in U.S. The building is European style. So being there, feeling like being in Europe.

I love roses. I was so overwhelmed by beautiful flowers. The owner, husband was working in the yard. I said to him “This is in Heaven. Isn’t it?” He said, ”It’s a lot of work.” I’m very sure that it is a lot of work.

And he has made Rose Perfume. The special roses for perfume bloom for short time. So this is a time to do.

More information of this place, visit

The owners, husband & wife are so nice people.



Peeking Jug Handle Beach

Yesterday, it was cloudy day.

I went to morning walk to Nagasawa Park.

Several people and children were fishing and walking.

Geese were honking. And it seemed all geese in Nagasawa Park appeared on the lake and flocking together. I counted them; there were twenty-nine and two babies.

According to Simple English Wikipedia: A male goose is called a “gander” and a baby goose is called a “gosling”. A group of geese is called a “gaggle”.

But I love to call them babies.


I got home. I started painting. 100 percent of my energy focused for painting all day.

A cloudy day is one of good days.



578. Peeking Jug Handle Beach watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This painting is a scene of foggy day at Jug Handle Beach CA.

I love this painting so much.


Have a good day.

Spring Over the Hill

I was in Mendocino Coast in early this month. There are many wild flowers were blooming. The ground was covered with fresh green still. What a beautiful season.

I love this peaceful scene and with this could make me dance.

577, Spring Over the Hill watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

577, Spring Over the Hill watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


I want to keep this peace and happiness forever.


I’m very concerned and alerted by hearing of changing Article 9 of Japanese Constitution.


From the book

 “Japanese Text and English Translation of the Constitution of Japan”

by Kentaro Sato


We, the Japanese people,

acting through our duly elected representatives

in the National Diet,

determined that we shall secure

 for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation

with all nations

and the blessings of liberty throughout this lands,

and resolved that never again shall we be visited

with the horrors of war

through the action of government,

do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people

and do firmly establish this Constitution.

Government is

a sacred trust of the people,

the authority for which is derived from the people,

the powers of which are exercised

by the representatives of the people,

and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people.

This is a universal principle of mankind

upon which this Constitution is founded.

We reject and revoke

all constitutions, laws, ordinances and rescripts

in conflict herewith.

We, the Japanese people,

desire peace for all time

and are deeply conscious of the high ideals

controlling human relationship,

and we determined

to preserve our security and existence,

trusting in the justice and faith

of the peace-loving peoples of the world.

We desire to occupy and honored place

in an international society striving for the preservation of peace,

and the banishment

of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance

for all time from the earth.

We recognize

that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace,

free from fear and want.

We believe

that no nation is responsible to itself alone,

 but that laws of political morality are universal:

and that obedience to such laws

is incumbent upon all nations

who would sustain their own sovereignty

and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations.

We, the Japanese people,

pledge our national honor

to accomplish these high ideals and purposes

 with all our resources.


It’s beautiful, isn’t it?


And I love the idea of campaign to get vote for:

Constitution is the Constitution of international pacifism that defines the renunciation of war thorough Article 9 in particular begins preamble. The Constitution of Japan, (renunciation of war) Respect for national sovereignty of basic human rights (sovereignty of the people), pacifism is a characteristic. In particular it has important work to put the brakes to prevent war. And, not only in Japan, the presence of Article 9 of the Constitution, is the hope of world peace achieved. But now, this Constitution has been exposed to the crisis of constitutional amendment. Please try to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, which has established this precious waiver of war, have desire for world peace. If you cannot award only individuals and groups, please be awarded to the Japanese people that have held until now Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. Thank you.


I hope that it is achieved or we achieve it.


Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog.




Follow a Road

When I got Japan, I realized that I needed to walk. The last whole winter I didn’t go for walk. So my body was not good shape.

When I was in Tokyo. I didn’t have a car. So everywhere I go, I had to walk I love to go through Inokashira Park. It has a lake. Along the lake there are so many cherry trees. At night they light up.

And I like to walk along the Josui. It’s a cannel. And there are many trees including cherry trees along the cannel. And there is an athletic field as well. Around 7:00am already there are many people were doing exercise there. I did too.

Then I went to mountain house, I did morning walk almost everyday. Somehow I waked around 5:00am. The out side was getting light. Every morning the sky was different.

In a country, mostly road are winding. So I started to walk, after this curve what is there? That kind of curiously leaded me to walk farther. I enjoyed finding new roads and new scenery.

576. Follow a Road

576. Follow a Road

Now I’m back in Santa Rosa. I do morning walk to Nagasawa Park. From my place to there, it’s 1.6miles. There is a lake. Some people do fishing on a boat as well.

The other day I saw several geese and a lot of babies by and on the lake.

Today some body was splashing water, then I looked at the top of the hill, there are a couple geese. Many small birds were flying over the lake. Some of them could be swallows. They flew very close to the surface of water, and making circle.

Every day I find something new.

And it’s very interested in: When they passing by going to a store, they don’t say anything each other. But when people are morning walk, jogging or running, when they are passing, everybody say “Good morning” each other. It’s a nice feeling.

Cherry Blossoms by the Shrine

This is in Hakusyu Japan, again.

Who lives there, told me that cherry blossoms by the shrine is so beautiful.

So I went to there in the sunny morning. Sure it was. We call these cherry trees Yamazakura, which means Mountain cherry trees.

575. Cherry Blossoms by the Shrine watercolor by Mariko Irie

575. Cherry Blossoms by the Shrine watercolor by Mariko Irie

They live so long. Some of them lives five hundreds years. They are watching human’s history?

Their blossoms are much quiet than Someyosino or some.  They are sweet to my eye.

A View of Mt.Kaikoma

This painting is looking at Mt.Kaikoma from Hokuto, Yamanashi Prefecture.

574. A View of Mt.Kaikoma Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

574. A View of Mt.Kaikoma
Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

I was there in March, one night it got so cold. The next morning, I was going to morning walk, I saw white thing covered everything. It was snow and became to be ice.  The high mountains got much white in that morning.

This mountain’s height is 9,734 ft. It is one of 100 Famous Japanese mountains.

What a peaceful scene, isn’t it?




Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, old woman and old man lived in this house.

A lot of Japanese children’s story starts like this.

573. Once Upon a Time Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

573. Once Upon a Time Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

This house is just like that kind of old country house. It’s a very simple structure. It’s amazing that the house is still there. The east and north side of walls are falling. But I guess that the old woman in a yard is living in the house. It was early morning, like around 7am, she was working in a yard: taking care of her plants.

It’s a nostalgic scene in Japan.

Cherry Blossoms View

This was other morning walking rout.


572. Cherry Blossoms View Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

When I got the mountain house, for the first couple days were warm. Inside of a room without heater, it was over 80 F. I was so happy. Then temperature dropped to 40 F in the morning. When I went to outside for morning walk, everywhere is a kind of white. It snowed. So high mountains got whiter.


These are mostly paddy fields. Baby rice plants were not planted yet.


Sunlight in Spring is so soft in Japan.