Love at a Beach

Happy Valentine Day!!!!!

Love at a Beach

453. Love at a Beach Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This painting is still wet, but I wanted to post on Valentine day.

Basking on a nice warm beach, waves are coming and going is our back music.

This painting’s under coat is Medium Magenta, which is pink and drawing is Alizarin Crimson, which is red.

This is my favor way to start, especially for landscapes. Because a lot of colors are blue, green…. Cool color at a beach. And after finish painting, I enjoy that pink and red are peeking. These colors warm up my painting.

Georges Seurat painted with dots. I have red that he was experimenting how we can see colors. Using pure color next each other, then our eyes see colors more bright and vivid.

Have a sweet day,

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Sunny Place

Sunny Place

542. Sunny Place watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

It’s sunny Sunday.

Sun comes in a bedroom. Nice warm air.

Feeling good.

Good day sunshine

Good day sunshine

Now it’s getting dark and raining.

It is still good day in the song of the Beatles, “Good day sunshine”.

Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud

442. Spring Cloud Oil Painting by Mariko Irie

Today I felt spring. It smelled like, and warm enough.

But my feeling was a little down.

Maybe I found my friend is very sick in Tokyo. Good news is he is recovering.

So I tried to bring my energy up.

I listened Kitaro’s “Matsuri”. It was awesome. I love his spiritual energy, and Japanese Taiko(Big Drums).

And I looked up the sky. It was nice white cloud is flouting in a blue sky.



Art Lovers

Art Lovers

444. Art Lovers Watercolor by Mariko Irie

This painting is other Museum Scene at San Diego Museum of Art.

They were a sweet young couple. They looked really loving each other. And they were looking at different paintings. Their reactions were different. Sure they love art.

This painting is in the show “Love Notes” at the Northcoast Artists Galley in Fort Bragg, CA. The show runs through Feb. 28.

Please come to see the show.

Thank you stopping by my blog.





443. Encounter Watercolor Painting by Mariko Irie

I believe that everybody has sweet memory of “Encounter”.

We don’t know each other, so we feel exiting, fear, curious… everything relates to the feature.

That excitement is just like spring: Plants sprout, trees get leaves, flowers bloom, birds chirp as busy flying. You will see Banbies with mothers, chicks following mothers.

I painted this “Encounter”, I felt so sweet atmosphere in the air.

The Northcoast Aritists Gallery in Fort Bragg CA is having an Exhibition, “Love Notes”. This painting is in the show. The show runs through Feb. 28.

Please come to see the show.



450. Imagine Watercolor Painting by Mariko Irie

He put salad bowl on his head. What is he imagining?

He is only two years old, so he has been in this world for only two years. He watches, remembers and copies with his imagination. What a wonderful world, he is living.

I remember that Louis Armstrong sings the colorful song “What A Wonderful World”:

I see trees of green… roses too

I see I’m bloom….. for me and for you

And I think to myself…… what a wonderful world.


After I named this painting “Imagine”

John Lennon’s song “Imagine” came to my mind.

You, you may say

I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one

I hope some day you’ll join us

And the world will be as one


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449. Watering Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

He is only two years old. He has been in this world only two years.

He is so curious to do everything. He tries and learns.

I love to watch whatever he does. It’s really precious time to spend time with him.

The hose, nozzle and water pressure are so much for him. So his butt is way back and his left hand is balancing. He does naturally. It’s amazing.

Have Fun

Have Fun

I’m not fascinated in this painting, which is behind the person. But somehow it was very attractive. I’ve seen this kind of paintings, which are painted/drawn by Preschool children.

After I copied this painting, I wonder if the artist had a great fun as painting. The artist went to back to his childhood and painted on a huge canvas. It must be fun to do. I believe this kind of paintings, they call Primitive Art.

But I looked at the dictionary, it says:

Primitive art – a genre of art and outdoor constructions made by untrained artists who do not recognize themselves as artists

Then this is not a Primitive art, because the artist was doing as Art.

Well, I like the art, which brings fun, joy, happy to our life.

Thank you for stopping by my blog.


This is new addition to my ongoing series “Art Lovers”


447. Modern Watercolor Painting by Mariko Irie

This one is also at the San Diego Art Museum. The exhibition Title is “Mexican Modern Painting”

It says: This exhibition features a selection of 80 paintings dated between 1907 and 1962.

Then I surfed “Modern Art”.

Modern art includes artistic works produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s.

Yes, it was very exiting period of Art movement.

When I was a high school, I loved Monet. Still I love his works. And when I was an Art University student, I was very interested in works of Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, Hokusai and Marc Chagall.

I like to visit Art museums. It brings me to different periods. It’s a Time Travel.