Yesterday I opened Youtube, the title “ the poorest president in a world†in Japanese which attracted me. So I watched the youtube, more and more videos about him.
While serving as 40th president of Uruguay, he donated around 90 percent of his $12,000 monthly salary to charities that benefit poor people and small entrepreneurs.
In his interview:
“I’m not poor. Poor doesn’t mean having few things, rather, it means having infinite desire, never satisfied, even with having more than enough.â€
“We are born naked, and we die naked.â€
“Try to enjoy your life.â€
“The miracle of life is maximum happiness.â€
â€Unfortunately life has a limit. But Love doesn’t.â€
I believe that Love, smiles, happiness are contagious.
“1070. Vibration of Sunny Spring ” Oil painting by Mariko Irie
This location is East Peak Stage Gulch Pass, Sonoma CA.
Do you remember that the last winter was very odd?
It was still winter but suddenly sunny and the temperature went up 70’s Fahrenheit in Sonoma County.
Colors were bright and sparkling.
Colors and lights were vibrating each other.
Do you feel it?
This morning I read e-mail from City of Santa Rosa.
Over the past few days, the City of Santa Rosa has received numerous questions regarding the closure of our parks and open spaces. The County of Sonoma has added Parks and Outdoor Activities Protocol FAQs on their website. Access those at
What!? We have to be doomed to put on fat because we can’t do outdoor exercising?
I believe that State parks trails, beaches are still open in Mendocino.
I’d like to share this idea with you:
Affirmation is a way to make it a reality by speaking positive words.
The power of words is greater than we can imagine, and it is an important tool for drawing the reality we want.
For example, if we want to make a project that we are working on succeed, we can say, “The project I am working on is leading to success.” We will be drawn.
Furthermore, by simply adding “Thank you” at the end, this will make us positive.
Affirmation is prayer, and prayer is affirmation.
By accepting what you want to embody as a reality and expressing thanks, it wakes our subconscious to bring us ideas that can embody it.
All you have to do is put that idea into action.
Does it make sense to you?
Hope it does to you and we can have our happy world.
At first I felt a shock from “ordered residents to Shelter-in-Place†on March 17.
At that time, in Sonoma County there were only three COVID-19 cases.
I went to grocery shopping when the Trader Joe’s opens in the morning.
The News mentioned “First in the morning is the cleanest inside of the market.â€
There was a long waiting line to get inside of the store. They limited 10 customers a time.
But I finished shopping, the waiting line outside was shrank to only three people.
I told myself, “Next time I come to shopping one hour after they openâ€.
All facilities are closed, so we can’t play ping pong.
We did cycling. Much less cars on roads 🙂
We saw many people enjoying cycling, hiking, walking with family and friends.
It was a beautiful scenery.
I have heard “ We have to ready for the upheaval.â€
I believe this is the time.
Isolate from everything means by proceeding without being disturbed by the noise and negative voices around us and listen to and follow our inner voice while maintaining a positive outlook for the future, we will naturally be able to solve our problems and live freely.
This change will require more effort, but we understand the benefits of this change and can take action on our own.
If we strive to balance material hope with the connection with our inner voice , we can proceed without hesitation.
And we are urging ourselves to be positive and optimistic.
Follower our inner voices we hear when we are positive, as they will be communicated through our intuition and ideas.
Be close to the changes that are so important to our life that we are approaching.
If we have our own beliefs, we will not lose our way.
Let go of those that no longer have a positive effect on us and replace them with better new ones.
Be confident that we are moving in a happy direction and enjoy our daily life.
Do you remember that we were so scared by very dry weather. Even in November we didn’t have any rainy day. Already we had big fires in October in the Northern California.
High wind had blown, PG&E shouted off electricity in some places for safe. What a threat, wasn’t it?
Now we are having rain, what a precious rainy days.
“1067. Precious Rainy Day” watercolor painting by Mariko Irie
Still some colorful autumn leaves are hanging on trees.
We can see birds on brunches without leaves. They are busy before winter.
Already ground is covered with fresh green.
Air is not dusty, smells fresh and moisture.
And it’s so quiet, seems like rain suck up noise.
I just red very interesting article :
The true meaning of “get energetic†is the electromagnetic field from the heart TransTech conference
â–² Positive emotions synchronize the heart and brain
Heart rhythm and brain alpha waves are known to synchronize naturally, but especially when thinking about positive emotions in the heart, the heart rhythm becomes very regular, and as a result the alpha rhythm also It is synchronized with the heart and becomes regular.
When the heart and brain waves begin to synchronize regularly, the rhythm of breathing, blood pressure, and the rhythm of electrical signals on the skin also begin to synchronize. The authors of this paper call this state “physical coherence,†and if physical coherence is achieved, the body will begin to work most efficiently and will receive various mental and physical benefits. Yes. For example, the efficiency of fluid exchange, passage, and absorption in capillaries and cellular tissues is improved, and the adaptability to cardiovascular circulation needs is improved. As a result, immunity is improved. In addition, cognitive ability improves, thinking becomes clear, and emotions are stable. As a result, the happiness level is said to improve.
â–² Positive emotions affect other people’s bodies
Now, let’s summarize the story so far. First, one point is that emotions are not generated only by the brain, but by teamwork of the heart and brain. The second point is that positive emotional electromagnetic waves transmitted by the heart synchronize the brain and synchronize all the cells of the body. Third, electromagnetic waves reach not only your own body, but also the other person’s body nearby.
So on, if you’d like to read more and if you like in English click translate:Â
I experienced breath right is most important to improve health and thinking positively.
Other words, if we are healthy, we can think positive and breath right. Or if we think negative, we get physically sick and breathing rhythm is irregular.
I felt Happiness is contagious for long time ago, since then I believe it. 
Do we want to have happy lives? Then breath right and think positive. It’s simple, right?
Somehow some undesirables events have been happened to me.
But they are coming alone fine.
On the day going to Japan, It was no wind, but PG&E shut off happened to my home in Santa Rosa. They announced they might to shut off because wind condition before that day.
But when I got up in the morning, air was so calm, but no electricity in a house!!??
Of cause no internet, no landline phone.
Luckily I had a hard copy of the Bus schedule to SF Airport. So I got phone number of the bus company. I called them to find the bus was running on schedule and phone number of the Taxi company by my cell phone.
So there is no problem to get to SF Airport except I couldn’t dry my hair by hair dryer.
When we got Tokyo, everybody was preparing for a biggest typhoon. They told me if our flight were one day after, maybe we couldn’t land in Tokyo.
The next day, all public transportation were halted because of the typhoon.
So no school, no business, shops would be closed.
We went to the pub where serves very good variety Japanese food. Everybody was so happy because the next day they didn’t need to go to work so they could drink without thinking about the next day work.
We stayed very closed to Kichijoji station in the building. So very strong wind and rain, but it didn’t scare us. Even we walked in the typhoon to find a market for food in a block. Luckily two markets were opened.
But the next day of the typhoon, our plan was going to mountains in Yamanashi prefecture. But all road were closed. So we stayed in Tokyo two more days. We could do shopping and we found Sports center which has 8 Table Tennis Tables so we played Table Tennis. We had a good time and great meals at restaurants.
Several days before we came back from Tokyo to S.F. Air port, we got announcements around my home in Santa Rosa. It became to be evacuation area, because the fire!!
But a few minutes after we landed S.F. air port, we got an announcement from City of Santa Rosa, all evacuation area in Santa Rosa were lifted.
Thank you so much for that.
So much undesirable events happen in our lives, we get stress out, right? Even it became to be harmless. At that time, breath deeply, calmly and slowly, then we feel nice soft atmosphere holding us.
“1066. Looking Forward to Tomorrow” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie
Now we can look forward to tomorrow, don’t you?
Let’s have positive thoughts and release the energy to our wonderful planet.