1176. Cypress Grove in Sunny Morning

“1176. Cypress Grove in Sunny Morning” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

Anger, irritation, anxiety, stress which may come from fatigue of the brain.

How to relax the brain?

This Cypress Grove in Mendocino is perfect spot for it.

Surrounded by cypress trees, can see the ocean between trees.

Inside is very quiet and isolated from the world.

Just sitting inside gazing at the ocean, feel the energy of trees while breathing deeply.

Emerge from there with smile😊.

What a soothing, clean feeling🌈💖

1170. The Moon over Ryu_un

“170. The Moon over Ryu_un” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

It was full moon in January.

Autumn leaves were still on trees, they glittered by strong moon light.

When I was painting this, I saw a cloud shaped like a dragon.

In Japan people say if you see a cloud like a dragon, take a photo and pin it up in your house, it brings you fortune. We call a dragon shaped cloud “Ryu-un”.

When I finished this painting, I read an article which my friend shared in Facebook:

 “So let us all honor the stories that gave us courage and personal grounding, the stories that brought us here, the finest ones the ancestors carried for us until we could carry them for ourselves.  Let us acknowledge the stories that its time to finally release, to name the dragon so that the dragon can fall and transform into winged wisdom and insight. Let us build a new collective story of healing and the rise of a new power on earth, based in love, supported by love and extended in love.” 

Isn’t this passage beautiful?

1155. Magical Sunset at Van Damme

“1155.  Magical Sunset at Van Damme” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

I painted this scene in Oil before.

I love this scene, so I painted in Watercolor.

I’m very satisfied how it came out.

It retains the distinctive look associated with the watercolor medium.

This painting is peaceful, showing the sweet, soft air with silent glitters on the water smiling.

What do you feel?

I’m going to show this painting at my May show at the Northcoast Artists Gallery.

1153. A Big Tree at Sunset

” 1153. A Big Tree at Sunset” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This location is in Mendocino, CA.

I was inspired by Janet Ashford’s photography.

I love the scene from this location. 

I painted several paintings. The weather is different, lights are different.

While painting this, I was in a sweet mood from the soft light, the line of the slope leads to the ocean, and a few houses indicate the small village of Mendocino.

I love Mendocino. It makes me a smile.