1128. Peaceful Tender Evening

One day I worked at Northcoast Artists Gallery from 11am.

I was able to leave the gallery 4:17pm, earlier than usual, which I was happy about.

I drove down south to get on Hwy 128.

Oh no, the road was closed because the Novaro River had been flooded. It was not a rainy day!?

I didn’t want to go back to Mendocino to get on the Comptche Ukiah Road to get to Hwy 128.

It was close to sunset. I thought it would be nice to enjoy sunset along Hwy1 where I didn’t travel for years.

The sun peeking through Big clouds was beautiful, and I enjoyed the pinkish sky of this scene.

Soon it got dark and heavy fog rolled in, making it hard to drive on a road I didn’t know well.

It was pitch dark, not many cars were driving. I followed the road not expecting such a sharp u-turn, it was shocking.

I was anxious of missing the Bodega Bay turn to get Santa Rosa or Petaluma, not wanting to go all the way to SF.

It was a such slow drive in the heavy fog and the pitch dark of a winter evening that I couldn’t figure out where I was, only that I was on Hwy 1. My navigator didn’t have reception.

I saw cars in a State Park entrance parking lot. I drove in and asked how to get Santa Rosa, finding via Petaluma was a better way to get home to Sonoma.

I got Trader Joe’s, Petaluma before they closed, to shop there. After that no fog, everything normal, smooth driving to get home. Happy ending😊.

1127. Nice Breath for Soothing

This location is looking at Mendocino village from the North, Russian Gulch State Park Side.

I painted this image on 6” x 6” in oil, (1120. Peeking Mendocino Headlands).

While painting, I wanted it bigger in watercolor.

I came up with this watercolor is 29″x 13.5”.

I stop at this location to watch ocean and whirlpools. 

Breathing deeply, watching whirlpools is a great meditation.

I finished morning meditation with nice breathing on bed, the sun is on my face now. 

I will get up and start a bright day😊❤️.

You too, have a wonderful day❤️😊.

1126. The Colorful Ending

When I was painting “1121. Sunset behind the Veil” (oil painting, 6” x 6”), I waned to paint the scene bigger, in watercolor.

So I painted this, “1126. The Colorful Ending” (watercolor painting, 14″x 21”).

I feel so good when I paint on a bigger surface.

My way of painting watercolor takes much more time than in oil.

During painting, I’m not sure what I‘m thinking, just in the zone. I feel fabulous. When something distracts me, I temporarily lose creativity.

I started a morning routine,

waking up around 5 a.m., 

having a glass water (not coffee),

meditation in bed,

taking a shower, then Yoga.

having a breakfast,

cycling to play tennis, or going for a walk in a huge vineyard.

Then, I start my day’s work.

Afterwards I focus easily, feeling positive energy until bed time.

It helps the quality of each day.

Like this painting, when I go to bed, a French blue vail shrouds my soul. I look forward to tomorrow’s beautiful light.

1125. Hop, Step and Smile

This location is at Jug Handle Beach, CA.

“1125. Hop, Step and Smile” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

When I was painting “1119. Light Steps at Jug Handle Beach”, I wanted to paint on a bigger, long and vertical Gallery Wrap Canvas, 36” x 12” x 1-1/2”. 

This location is same place as my painting “1124. Peaceful Fantasy”, a little different angle of the view and a very sunny day.

Cheerful, joyful air makes us jump, right?

Hop, Step and Smile😊❤️!!

Please keep the feeling inside of you always, you will have a happy life, why not?

1124. Peaceful Fantasy

When I was painting “1118. Sun behind Fog” (6” x 6”) I wanted to paint the same scene bigger, long vertical. 

“1124. Peaceful Fantasy” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

I have a 12” x 36” x1-1/2” deep, Gallery Wrap Canvas, that is perfect size for this scene.

When I was painting “1124. Peaceful Fantasy”, I became fascinated by lights dancing on waves.

Fog made a quiet peaceful atmosphere and Sun behind fog made a mysterious cheerful mood.

I love this combination.

After I published the blog “1118. Sun behind Fog”, I e-mailed Larry to tell about the blog.

Then Larry e-mailed me back:

Hi Mariko,

Yes I did notice your two new paintings of Jug Handle. You have captured the scene perfectly. And I’m flattered my photo may have contributed to your work. But your Sumi “Peace at Jug Handle Beach” that I have in my office downstairs was the inspiration for the photo. I had admired that painting for several years and out of pure luck was driving from Albion to Fort Bragg one November day and the fog suddenly cut the gap and I pulled over into the parking lot and rushed down the steps to the beach. At moments like that we know the sun is there in a pewter sky but we can wait for it and enjoy what the fog brings, Peace at Jug Handle Beach…


His writing is so smooth and charming. I love this kind of collaboration😊❤️.

I’m very happy to be a painter.

1123. Healing My Mind

When I’m so exhausted, I love just strolling around without thinking, as I look at the horizon. The waves coming and going is the best background music.

It soothes my mind.

As I walk breathing slowly, deeply, every time I exhale the tension leaves my body.

Body is getting lighter. What a wonderful feeling😊

Mendocino Coast is a magical place for refreshing our soul, isn’t it?

1122. The Sparkle of Sunset

I painted this scene inspired by the photo Janet Ashford posted.

You may know this location.

It’s on Main Street in Mendocino Village, CA.

On the left side is ocean side, Ford House and on the right side is Kelly House.

This fantastic lights changed the atmosphere dramatically, don’t you think?

When I was painting this, I felt beautiful energy through my body.

Thank you Janet for sharing your photo.

And she commented on Facebook “How wonderful, Mariko. Thank you for this very special painting of my photo.” And she love to purchase this painting😊

1120. Peeking Mendocino Headlands

During pandemic I read about how meditation is good for mental and physical health. 

So I started to do it every morning.

It works. 

My way of meditation is focus on breathing.

Breath in for 7 second to make stomach and breast as big as I can, stop for 1second and breath all out.

I do for 10 minutes.

Then I don’t get the anxiety, irritable feeling all day long now.

Also when I get some kinds of feelings, I analyze them from third person point of view.

I found that was a way not to get too emotional.

Mendocino Coast offers many places to meditate.

This location is looking at Mendocino village from the North, Russian Gulch State Park Side.

I enjoy watching the whirlpools around the rocks.

1119. Light Steps at Jug Handle Beach

This location is Jug Handle State park, CA.

Would you like to take a walk at the beach on sunny day in a warm gentle wind?

Imagine stepping lightly on a beach with the sound of waves as background music.

Feeling refreshed, we can see everything sparkling, making us smile.

What a happy feeling, isn’t it?

Let’s feel this kind of energy to start every morning 😊❤️.