1129. Cheerful Sparkles at Main St.

I painted “1122. The Sparkle of Sunset” inspired by the photo Janet Ashford posted.

When I was painting from her photo, I felt so good, making me smile cheerfully. 

I wanted to paint bigger and in watercolor.

Painting in watercolor and in oil is very different. So changing media is exited me to paint from the same photo. It’s a challenging adventure for me.

“1122. The Sparkle of Sunset” is 6” x 6”, and this painting, 14″x 21”, sizes are different proportions are different, both from same photo.

Plus my feeling is different everyday, effecting my painting very much.

“1129. Cheerful Sparkles at Main St” Watercolor painting Mariko Irie.

Janet’s photo gave me a good vibration from start to finish.

Janet, thank you for sharing this sparkling scene.

1122. The Sparkle of Sunset

I painted this scene inspired by the photo Janet Ashford posted.

You may know this location.

It’s on Main Street in Mendocino Village, CA.

On the left side is ocean side, Ford House and on the right side is Kelly House.

This fantastic lights changed the atmosphere dramatically, don’t you think?

When I was painting this, I felt beautiful energy through my body.

Thank you Janet for sharing your photo.

And she commented on Facebook “How wonderful, Mariko. Thank you for this very special painting of my photo.” And she love to purchase this painting😊