
Sunny day in Santa Rosa, it’s like spring.

When I was in San Diego, below 65 degree I felt it’s cold. But I was wearing only T-shirt.

Now when it’s below 60 degree I feel cold. I wear under shirt and wool sweater. And turn on heater.Surfers

And I painted this “Suffers”. It made me warmer.

Do I miss warmer climate? Not now, I’m enjoying here’s variety temperature and changing view.

When I moved to Santa Rosa in early November. It was autumn leaves on trees. So it was yellow, red and green on trees. Now no leaf is on the trees. The ground is covered with fresh green.

Still Roses are blooming.


I like here and miss San Diego.

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4 thoughts on “Surfers

  1. I love your blog, Marika. In about 6 months, I will be living in Santa Rosa and Fort Bragg, spending time in both places. My grandson will be leaving the nest to go to college this coming fall, so I thought it would be fun to mix things up a little.

    Your Sky’s the Limit painting is breathtaking. It epitomizes the feeling of wintertime. You are a truly amazing artist.

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