1263. Peaceful Mendocino Bay

This location is Mendocino Headlands along the Bay.

I came to Mendocino in 1982 summer.

I got falling love with Mendocino right away.

As living there I got to know how people keep this village beautifully.

Mendocino Historical Review Board works so hard to keep the village not change.

When my youngest son was a baby, we rose up against “Off Shore Drilling”. We went to protest with our children. It was a peaceful one.

People rose up against General Pacific Mill who was doing clear cut trees. Especially along the rivers they did it. No shade for Salmon eggs to hutch, that wiped out Samon industry. Of cause it’s terrible to ecosystem. Also the company toxicated their property which was the 420 acre lumber mill in Fort Bragg downtown. It was a long and complicated battle, including between protesters and employees of the company. Finally the company shut down in 2002.

After the company moved out, the clean up took for 15 years. Now it’s a nice park along the ocean,

Always I wonder if there is a way of peaceful resolution for saving our sacred earth.

I watched this video, made me a big smile.

I always want to share what I watch good videos in Japanese with you. Unfortunately they don’t have English subtitle. But this one my favor YouTuber invited Hawaiian to their YouTube. The Hawaiian speaks English. This story is how they saved the Sacred mountain peacefully.

Keep smiling to our beautiful earth in universe.

“1263. Peaceful Mendocino Bay” watercolor painting by Mariko Irie

more information at https://www.mariko-irie.com/peacefulmendobay.html

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