Glow on a Rainy Day

I painted “ The End of a Rainy day” on 6”x6” panel in the last winter. It was on Mendocino Headlands CA.

I like it so much, so I wanted to paint bigger, which is this “Glow on a Rainy Day” on 12” x 16” panel.

Glow on a Rainy Day

504. Glow on a Rainy Day oil painting by Mariko Irie

On a computer, 6” x 6” and 12” x 16” are not much different. Just dimension/proportion is different.

But real world, as you know, size difference is big different. I love to paint on big surface. I feel much better.


I used brush and pallet knife on this painting. It came out just right. I’m very happy with it.


I stare this painting as enjoying peaceful evening.

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