I decided to join the group show “A Celebration of Culinary Delightsâ€.
I started to design “ Let’s Open Our Good Feeling†for the show.
I figure all good feelings are inside of us. It means how we think, how we open our good feeling. That is a key.
Good food is nutritious for our bodies. Good words and Art nourish our soul. That is my concept for this project.
I wonder how I can make me good feeling. So I started to write words which make me good feeling.
Love, Comfortable, Beautiful, Belief, Joyous, Passion, Amused, Contentment, Aglow, Optimism, Hope, Appreciation, Free, Soothing, Happiness, Cheerful, Ease, Delight, Compassion, Anticipation, Pleasure
I made a panel,then put four paintings:
When take one painting from the panel,
a message appears. And other, and other, and other.
When I was working on this project, The Sendai earthquake and Tsunami was happened.
I received e-mails. They are asking if my family in Japan is OK and my feeling. I got e-mails from my family and found that everyone is fine. I’m so happy to hear that. I’m so sorry for people who lost love ones.
Then some nuclear energy plants along the ocean in Japan got a problem. I started receive e-mails about “Radiation in Japan, From Japan.†People are worry about Japanese people and themselves, who are living in this U.S.
So I e-mailed back
On San Diego News, after they talk about the Japanese earthquake and the nuclear plant, they were talking about nuclear plants along the Ocean in San Diego. In Santa Barbara as well.
My friends worry U.S nuclear plants, because they are so old.
I hope that this is a big warning for every nation has nuclear plants.
Every time I go to Mendocino, I pass by where a lot of windmills are standing on top of the hills in Bay area. Every time more wind mills than before, that makes me happy. In Japan as well, every time I go there more wind mills.
I love the movie ” Wall Street money never sleeps” very much. In that movie, our generation or older, they are just making money for themselves ego. But young generation is supporting Green Energy. Developing green energy needs huge money.
And in that movie ” Wall Street money never sleeps”, the young guy finds money for that.
That our HOPE, isn’t it?
I hope that world is moving right direction.
And I added:
I believe Japanese are fine. They take care each other very well.
Even they got atom bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Now flowers are blooming there.
If you have never watched the movie “Rhapsody in August†(1991), directed by Akira Kurosawa, please watch it. You will get positive feeling from the movie.
When Russia got a Nuclear energy plant’s accident, they studied Japanese food when Japan got Nuclear bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. They found Wakame, which is seaweed, removes radioactive.
So I eat Wakame everyday.
Please check http://www.loveseaweed.com/health.html
I’d like to introduce a recipe of one of my favor dishes.
Wakame Salad
- Reconstitute Wakame in water for about 5 minutes.
- Slice a cucumber paper-thin.
- Slice ginger like pine needles.
- Dressing is Rice vinegar and a little bit of Japanese Sesame oil.
- Mix Wakame, Cucumber and Ginger and marinate with the dressing.
- Sprinkle Roasted sesame seeds.
Wakame removes radioactive and good for other things.
Cucumber cleanses.
Ginger supports immune system
A teaspoon of sesame seed has calcium as same as one glass of milk.
I need to mention that I don’t recommend to eat Wakame a big quantity. Eat small quantity and variety food is the best.
My artwork “Let’s Open Your Good Feeling†is in the show â€A Celebration of Culinary Delightsâ€.
The Show runs Mar 14 – Apr 3, 2011
At The LJAA Gallery:
8100 Paseo del Ocaso, Suite B La Jolla, CA 92037(858) 459-1196  Open daily 11 – 5
The reception: Sunday, March 27, 3pm – 6pm
I will be at the reception. I hope to see you there.
Let’s open our good feeling and enjoy our lives.
Hi Mariko,
I love your new work and concept and was amused when I saw the stickers on the apples! Larry and I also really enjoyed the snowy image at the top of this blog. Very beautiful. Did you paint it from a scene in Japan?
Did you know that LoveSeaweed.com is my husband’s business? He hand harvests the Wakame you eat. Alas, we are out of Wakame and Kombu since the huge demand started last week. Every supplier in the US is also out. Seaweed harvest begins in late April or May. You can take a look at the new or full moon low tides to determine when he and his team will be harvesting because they must do so at low tide.
Hi Erica,
Yes, I know LoveSeaweed.com is your husband’s business. You sent me your news letter. I named your news letter “Happy Marriage News Letter”. I found that your husband is harvesting Seaweed and went his website and found the page.
Thank you for doing it.
Thanks so much for posting that recipe. I went to Mitsuwa Japanese Marketplace today and got all of the ingredients. There are many brands of dried Wakame available. I’m eating it right now! It’s delicious.
Hope you are doing well.
Hi Eric,
I’m so glad that you like Wakame Salad.
Did you start the business of website?
Now days they say who do business, have to have a website. Even artists.
Love your messages here about opening to the good feeling inside us….I agree that is the best thing to do in times of difficulty. The recipe looks great. I’ll try it!
Thanks so much, Mariko!
A big Mendocino hug to you!
Hi Rita,
Thank you so much for your support.
A big San Diego hug to you.