1133. Brilliant Mendocino Headlands

I love this scene. Just simple, happy, cheerful, wonderful energy!!

The ground is covered with wild flowers, waves are moving slowly and rhythmically.

The sun shines, making a colorful bright world.

It gives a big smile on my face, as if skipping happily on a trail. 

Don’t worry the temperature won’t get too high in Mendocino CA. 

Yesterday we got 105℉ in Sonoma CA, 64℉ in Mendocino CA.

The tomato plants I seeded in a bed on full moon, May 26, and planted in the ground on new moon, June 10, wilted a little from the heat yesterday, looked so sad. But in the evening looked fine. Soil held it moisture, so I didn’t water, this morning they looked fine. They are strong, making me happy.

Let’s enjoy our day😊❤️.