1118. Sun behind Fog

This location is Jug Handle State park, CA.

After sunny, hot and windy days, fog dims the light, releases the tension, and relaxes our body and mind. It’s soothing.

And it take us to wonderland, doesn’t it?

A customer who purchased my painting “545. Peace at Jug Handle Beach”, sent his photo with “I was driving from Mendocino to Fort Bragg in November 2018 and out of nowhere fog started to rush in. I pulled into the parking lot at Jug Handle, ran down the steps to the beach and captured this on my cell phone. It was not a peaceful fog—actually tumultuous—but it left peace in its wake. We think alike.”

It inspired me to paint this painting. It’s not gloomy fog. This fog atmosphere helps release our stresses and strains. Sparkles dancing on waves makes us smile sweetly.

Thank you Larry for sharing the nice moment.