Trees on a cliff

832. Trees on a Cliff_blog

“832. Trees on a Cliff” Oil painting by Mariko Irie

This location is above the Seaside Beach CA.

I painted this scene in watercolor before:

“810. Wooden Trail on the Cliff ”

810. Wooden Trail on the Cliff_blog

“810. Wooden Trail on the Cliff ” Watercolor painting by Mariko Irie


Now I painted in oil.

I’m having fun painting same scene in oil and in watercolor.

Same scene, but they are different atmosphere by media and my feeling on the day painted.

I like how this painting came out. It has a charming touch. What do you feel?

This trail goes toward the ocean; there is a nice guesthouse on the headland. The view from the house is only ocean. Can you imagine?

Good news is: the house is for vacation rentals you can rent.


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