1150. Fishing Boats at Sunset (Van Damme)

This location is Van Damme Beach in Little River CA.

When I was going home, it was sunset.

Bright orange yellow twinkling white light was dancing on the surface of quietly swinging waves.

I was just gazing at their being.

My mind was isolated from the days’s activities and getting soothed.

The scene made me feel comfortable as if surrounded by a smile of universe.

I’m writing this with Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” on piano in the back ground music.

Have a wonderful relaxing time😊❤️.

1144. Morning Canoeing at Big River

This location is Big River in Mendocino CA.

One morning, I was driving to our gallery, Northcoast Artists Gallery in Fort Bragg CA.

It was sunny, not much wind, waves were calm.

Suddenly I wanted to get off Hwy.1 and get down to the Big River.

I was right, some people are enjoying canoeing on the river,

I have never done canoeing.

But I love the idea, 

Sitting level of a canoe is very close to the surface of the river: imagine sitting on water with a low eye level making the world feel bigger. 

 Just paddling, no motor so it doesn’t pollute water nor disturb creatures. 

 I’m so lazy to paddle, riding electric motor boat is perfect for me. 

The eye level was just like sitting in a canoe, droving slowly to not disturb creatures to enjoy River Otters, Blue Herons and others’ affairs.  

Manner of canoeing is so peaceful and beautiful.

1140. View from New Location( Highlight Gallery)

I think many people know about the Highlight Gallery which presents my work, moved to a new location.

The address is 10480 Kasten St, Mendocino, CA 95460.

When I moved to Mendocino in 1982, the building was called “Gallery Fair” run by Warren W. Zimmer. He was a great watercolorist as well.

Then “Flockwork” was there, run by Janet Self, executive director. She brought many fantastic art shows, events to this building as Mendocino art community.

Now Highlight Gallery moved to this historical art building.

It’s a very charming place, especially upstairs with great high celling, my favorite place to show my work😊.

I appreciate that the owner of Highlight Gallery, Sharon Peterson and her people take care customers with a friendly smile and sincerely.

Please visit and enjoy the art.

These views are from the porch at upstairs of the building.

What a sweat Mendocino village, isn’t it?

1142, Blue Ray over Big River

This location is Big River, CA.

It was a sunny morning. Several Kayaks were on the river.

It was a mild day with fresh air. What an enjoyable morning.

I took a photo, when I got home I looked at the photo, there is a mysterious blue ray.

I don’t know what it was, but it’s beautiful. 

I painted.

We can make a story about blue bridge for a location at which somebody can land on this earth😊.

By the way, today is July 7th which is 7/7.

In Japan we write our wish on small charming paper and hang on Sasatake which is small bamboo branches for prayer.

An old story about “Tanabata” is the night of July 7 when Orihime and Hikoboshi cross the Milky Way and meet only once a year, when wishes are written on strips of paper decorating bamboo throughout villages. The wish colorful decorations swing with the wind. 

People go out in summer Kimonos with Japanese fans. 

It’s a quaint atmosphere. 

Now they say, “Wish and release to universe.” I like this simple custom while looking at the stars.

Let’s wish with a nice smile tonight😊❤️.

1136. Cattle Ranch

I didn’t go out to paint for long time.

I love to paint early morning. cooler than afternoon, in a location with fresh air, without much wind, and good lighting.

The grass is all dried, turned golden. I discovered recently I love smell of dried grass, a kind of sweet fragrance. 

When we cycle to play tennis, we pass this cattle ranch, often many cows and caves graze on grass. 

But when I went to paint none of them were there. This ranch is huge, other side of the road is same owner’s ranch, maybe they moved cows there.

At first I was disappointed without cows, but really enjoyed painting there with fresh air, birds singing. 

When I finished, I felt silence infiltrating this painting, the feeling was just like after meditation.

1135. Cloud, Wind, Earth

This is another painting for Winewong, https://winesong.org.

They gave me two panels, exactly same as the other 4” x 4” centered on a 5” x 5” panel.

I painted the morning ocean scene on the panel. I love the cheerful fresh wind blowing clouds, it gives me good energy for the day.

In bed at sunrise, I was staring the painting wondering how I want to paint on the border. Trees’ leaves block the sun, in the dark shadows light peeks through leaves and branches. That is the way this painting was born.

A beautiful morning gives us good energy to start a day,

Let’s have a beautiful day😊❤️.

1134. Rain and Sunset

This year Winesong stuff decided to give artists 4” x 4” panels centered on 5” x 5” panels to paint. They are going to make posters from these paintings for a Winesong event.

I have never painted oil paintings on such a small surface, nor on glued a double panel.

After I painted a rainy day ocean scene, I was not sure how to paint the border of the surrounding larger back ground panel.

I stared the painting, then I imagined all day long when we got rain, then suddenly the sky opened up to a beautiful sunset. Wouldn’t it be marvelous?

Here is, “Rain and Sunset”.

I know we are eager to have rain now.

1133. Brilliant Mendocino Headlands

I love this scene. Just simple, happy, cheerful, wonderful energy!!

The ground is covered with wild flowers, waves are moving slowly and rhythmically.

The sun shines, making a colorful bright world.

It gives a big smile on my face, as if skipping happily on a trail. 

Don’t worry the temperature won’t get too high in Mendocino CA. 

Yesterday we got 105℉ in Sonoma CA, 64℉ in Mendocino CA.

The tomato plants I seeded in a bed on full moon, May 26, and planted in the ground on new moon, June 10, wilted a little from the heat yesterday, looked so sad. But in the evening looked fine. Soil held it moisture, so I didn’t water, this morning they looked fine. They are strong, making me happy.

Let’s enjoy our day😊❤️.

2021 Winesong Box

I painted a Winesong Box this year.

Winesong is the annual event for Benefiting the Mendocino Coast Healthcare Foundation: https://winesong.org/

This box is well made. I love the grain of the wood, so I designed the image to show wood in my painting.

I’m very satisfied with this design and painting.

Very good energy from waves in the morning light.

I put a small sea shell and shadow in the open space.

What do you think?

They are going to put bottled wine in this box and do auction during the event.

1129. Cheerful Sparkles at Main St.

I painted “1122. The Sparkle of Sunset” inspired by the photo Janet Ashford posted.

When I was painting from her photo, I felt so good, making me smile cheerfully. 

I wanted to paint bigger and in watercolor.

Painting in watercolor and in oil is very different. So changing media is exited me to paint from the same photo. It’s a challenging adventure for me.

“1122. The Sparkle of Sunset” is 6” x 6”, and this painting, 14″x 21”, sizes are different proportions are different, both from same photo.

Plus my feeling is different everyday, effecting my painting very much.

“1129. Cheerful Sparkles at Main St” Watercolor painting Mariko Irie.

Janet’s photo gave me a good vibration from start to finish.

Janet, thank you for sharing this sparkling scene.